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Ingame chats moderation


Ingame chats moderation

Only common game chats (all, !shout, +trade and especially %hero) are subject to moderation.

Administration does not satisfy any claims about rules violation in private chat – you may always stop unwanted communication using /block [nick] command

Rules of communication in group specific chats (#party, @clan, $alliance) are established by the leader of party, clan or alliance respectively.

At the moment, the club's servers have an automatic chat moderation system that issues short-term chat bans for:

  • offensive language
  • spam
  • sending trade messages to !shout and %hero chats

Automatic bans may be imposed with a delay.

You can find a complete list of prohibited actions when communicating in game chats in the article Violations and Sanctions


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Связанные статьи Violations and Penalties List
Модерация игровых чатов
Unbanning an account
Метаданные статьи
Идентификатор статьи: 48
Дата добавления: 2013-03-01 11:24:04
Просмотры: 2919
Рейтинг (Голоса): Рейтинг статьи 3.8/5.0 (20)

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